Maalai malar and Dinamalar paper published on the
news yesterday 22/01/13 about this event.
Regional Coordinator
Ekam Foundation
No,16/19,2nd Floor,
jayalakshmipuram 1st Street,
news yesterday 22/01/13 about this event.
>>> On 21th January 2013, *Training programme * was organised by *EKAM * at
>>> vellore Anaicut block. This event was inaugurated and the opening speech>>> *108 Ambulance* demo was clearly described and demonstrated by Mr.
>>> given by Mr.Murugan Head Master Govt, Boys Higher Secondary school
>>> Ushoor
>>> at Anaicut block.
>>> Indirakumar and team Mr.Sathish,Mathi very excellently.>>> *Food and Nutrician* training was given by Mr. Vanamailan who were from
>>> "Tamil Nadu Science Form Health co ordinator". Then the welcome speech>>> this event there were *32 Teachers* ,*150 Higher secondary school
>>> delivered by Mr. MohanRaj Parents Association Leader .A special speech
>>> about Ekam activity And HelpLine Desk activity Gokul, 108 Ambulance, and
>>> Food and Nutrition are the topics covered during the training workshop.
>>> In
students , *were participated. The entire day workshop was very useful
to everyone us
Regional Coordinator
Ekam Foundation
No,16/19,2nd Floor,
jayalakshmipuram 1st Street,
very very very bad